Staff and pupils at St. Peter's are very fortunate to have many supportive parents who are willing to share in the education of their children primarily by offering their valuable support at home.

The co-operation and participation of parents in the education of their children is positively encouraged, as we believe that such a partnership is the best way to help children to achieve in all areas of their development.

In addition to this most valuable support, we enjoy the help of parents who are prepared to come into school to work on a voluntary basis.

We consider that closely monitored and guided help from adults, in addition to the school's staff, greatly enhances the learning experience for our children. 

All adults coming into regular contact with the children will have to undertake an enhanced DBS.

We hold informative meetings for parents on various subjects throughout the school year.  These in the past have included Mathematics, Learning to read, SATs, Drugs education etc.  Each class teacher will send a ‘Big Picture’ home at the start of each term to inform you of what your child will be learning.

Parents are invited to weekly celebration worship if your child has been nominated for their class star of the week award or values VIP award. Each term ends with worship at St. Peter's Church where we warmly invite parents and families to join us.

What is a PTFA?

We are a friendly group of parents, carers, teachers and friends that organise fun social events throughout the year to raise funds for additional equipment for the school.

PTFA stands for Parents, Teachers and Friends Association and we help raise money for needs identified by the children and the school. Each year, we pay for lots of exciting things, such as: Leavers’ hoodies, gifts for classes and much more. We are hoping to raise lots of funding over the next year towards purchasing, decorating and furnishing a fantastic reading hut in our nature garden. This will be a fantastic addition to our school and make for lots of exciting story times!

Who can join the PTFA?

If you are a parent/grand-parent/carer/friend with a heart to help the school we’d love you to join us. Our short PTFA meetings, held once each half term, are a great way to get involved with upcoming events. We understand that not everyone can make these meetings and appreciate parents donating requested items for our events and/ or offering an extra pair of hands to help at them.

Which events do the PTFA organise?

Christmas & Summer Fair – these events provide fun for all the family with lots of stalls, prizes and a raffle.

  • Film nights & discos
  • Bingo and quiz evenings
  • Sports day stalls
  • Cake sales