Meet Rupert: Our School Dog!

Rupert is a sprocker spaniel (springer spaniel/cocker spaniel cross) who belongs to Mrs Burgess. He is fully vaccinated and has regular health visits to the vets. The children love seeing him around school. Rupert comes into school each week and we believe there are many benefits to the children in having a school dog.

A Little About Our Dog

Rupert has an outgoing nature, is very sociable and is eager to please. He needs lots of exercise daily and enjoys playing games which challenge and stimulate him mentally. He loves interacting with the children at school and enjoys spending playtimes on the playground joining in the fun! Sprockers are easily trained and Rupert is able to follow a range of commands and can find and retrieve his training dummies so long as there is a treat waiting for him as a reward for his hard work.

What Do They Eat?

Rupert has a delicate tummy and, therefore, follows a grain free diet. He has his daily kibble and also enjoys a small amount of treats. His favourite treats are chicken, carrots, apples and dried banana chips.

Why We Love Our Dog

Rupert teaches our children about responsibility – through children having to remember to feed and give water to the dog, it gives them a sense of importance and satisfaction that they may not get from other responsibilities. 

He teaches our children patience – he does not always do as he is told first time!

Rupert teaches our children compassion – just like us, dogs feel pain and emotion.

Dogs teach children about socialisation – through the children learning how to interact with a dog they can learn how to socialise with other children.

Dogs are fun – they greet you with a wagging tail every day and put a smile on your face, even on a bad day!