Upper KS2 - Year 5 and 6
Work through the tabs to view the curriculum content for Ash, Alder (Mornings only), Sycamore and Elm. The Topic Overview and Vocabulary tabs feature content that is hyperlinked. These links take you to the knowledge that your child needs to learn in each subject by term. Content tends to be videos or specific BBC Bitesize pages. Don't feel the need to explore the Bitesize pages more generally - this can get overwhelming. Just concentrate on the specific page we've linked to.
At the bottom of the pages you will finds news, events, social media posts, and blogs related to Ash, Alder, Sycamore and Elm classes.
Welcome to Upper KS2
Please use the tabs above to look through specific components of this year group. The Topic Overviews are especially exciting, they contain hyperlinks to help you support your child's learning - and possibly refresh your own memories!
Upper Key Stage 2: Gearing Up for Success!
Your child is about to embark on an exciting journey in Upper Key Stage 2 (Years 5 and 6)! Building on the strong foundations laid in Lower Key Stage 2, we'll help them reach their full potential as they prepare for the next stage in their education.
Sharpening Communication Skills:
We'll focus on mastering the core skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening. This will involve analysing complex texts, expressing ideas clearly in writing, and confidently presenting them in discussions.
Maths Mastery:
Maths becomes more challenging and analytical in Upper Key Stage 2. Our engaging lessons will equip them with the problem-solving skills and mathematical fluency needed for future success.
Independent Learning:
We encourage a more independent approach to learning, developing research skills and critical thinking abilities that will prepare them for secondary school.
Beyond the Core:
Upper Key Stage 2 isn't just about core subjects. We also continue to explore a wider range of exciting topics like history, geography, science, and the arts, fostering a lifelong love of learning.
The Right Support for Every Learner:
Remember: Every child learns at their own pace. We offer tailored support to ensure all our pupils feel challenged and motivated, reaching their full potential.
Please note: This information provides a general overview. Specific resources and approaches may vary depending on individual needs and year group.
Our Classes:
Ash Class
Miss Khan
Miss Williams
Teaching Assistant
Laura Holmes
Teaching Assistant
Alder Class (Mornings only)
Lucy Trickett
Sycamore Class
Mrs Fox
Miss Henry
Teaching Assistant
Mental Health Lead
Elm Class
Mrs McNair
Mrs McMahon
Teaching Assistant
Our School Day
Start of Day | 8:45-8:55am |
Worship | 9:00am |
Morning Session 1 | 9:20am |
Break | 10:20am |
Morning Session 2 | 10:35am |
Lunch | 12:15pm |
Afternoon Session 1 | 1:00pm |
Break | 2:20pm |
Afternoon Session 2 | 2:35pm |
End of Day | 3:30pm |
Key Days
Name of Class | Ash | Sycamore | Elm |
PE Day |
Thursday pm Plus 1 morning session dependant on Maths and English groups |
Friday pm Plus 1 morning session dependant on Maths and English groups |
Wednesday pm Plus 1 morning session dependant on Maths and English groups |
Forest School Day* |
N/A |
N/A | N/A |
Homework Day | Friday | Friday | Friday |
*Year 5 pupils will take part in 3 days of Outdoor and Adventurous activities in the summer term
* Year 6 pupils have the opportunity for a residential visit to Robinwood in the spring term
Art | Drawing: I need space |
Computing | Online safety: Year 5 |
Computing systems and networks: Search engines (Y5) | |
Computing systems and networks: Bletchley Park (Y6) | |
Physical Education | Sport Hall Athletics |
Year 5/6 Rugby 1 | |
Year 5 Gymnastics (2) | |
Design Technology | Electronic systems: Doodlers |
Geography | What is life like in the Alps? |
History | British history 4: Were the Vikings raiders, traders or settlers? |
Maths | Place Value |
Addition and subtraction | |
Multiplication and division | |
Fractions | |
English | Science Fiction stories |
Detective/Crime fiction | |
Information booklets | |
Explanation | |
Poems with a structure | |
PSHE | Being me in my world (Y5) |
Celebrating Differences (Y5) | |
RE | The Bible |
World Faith Unit | |
Christmas | |
Science | Forces |
Earth and space | |
Music | Film music |
Composition notation | |
French | Portraits (describing physical appearance) |
Meet my French family |
Art | Painting and mixed media: Portraits |
Computing | Online safety: Year 6 |
Programming 2: Micro:bit (Y5) | |
Creating Media: history of computers (Y6) | |
Physical Education | Sports Hall Athletics |
Year 5/6 Ruby 2 | |
Year 5/6 Dance – Earthlings | |
Year 5 Gymnastics 1 | |
Design Technology | Textiles: Waistcoats |
Mechanical systems: Automata toys | |
Geography | Why do oceans matter? |
History | What does the Census tell us about our local area? |
Maths | Place value |
Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division | |
Fractions | |
Converting units | |
Statistics | |
English | Novel as a theme |
Classic Fiction | |
Biography | |
Persuasion: A formal review | |
Songs and Lyrics | |
PSHE | Being me in my world (Y6) |
Celebrating Differences (Y6) | |
RE | Life as a journey |
World Faith Unit | |
Advent | |
Science | Animals, including humans (Y6) |
Properties of materials | |
Music | Looping and remixing |
Blues | |
French | Space exploration in French |
French football champions |
Art | Craft and design: Photo opportunity |
Computing | Programming 1: Music (Y5) |
Programming: Intro to Python (Y6) | |
Physical Education | Dance – Heroes & Villains |
Year 6 Gymnastics (2) | |
Year 5/6 Netball | |
Year 5/6 Football | |
Design Technology | Mechanical Systems: Making a pop-up book |
Geography | Would you like to live in a desert? |
History | British history 5: What was life like in Tudor England? |
Maths | Multiplication and division |
Fractions | |
Decimals and Percentages | |
Perimeter and area | |
Statistics | |
English | Narrative as a theme |
Stories from other cultures | |
Magazine | |
Non-fiction: Debate | |
Dimante Poem | |
PSHE | Year Specific Changing Me |
Dreams and Goals (Y5 | |
RE | Jesus |
Easter | |
Science | Electricity (Y6) |
Animals including humans | |
Music | Musical theatre |
Theme and variations | |
French | Clothes and getting dressed |
French weather |
Art | Sculpture and 3D: Interactive installation |
Computing | Creating media: stop motion animation (Y5) |
Data handling 2: Big data 2 (Y6) | |
Physical Education | Year 6 Gymnastics 1 |
Year 5/6 Dance- Food Glorious Food | |
Year 5/6 Netball | |
Year 5/6 Football | |
Design Technology | Structure: Playground |
Geography | Where does our energy come from? |
History | What did the Greeks ever do for us? |
Maths | Ratio |
Algebra | |
Decimals | |
Fractions, Decimals and Percentages | |
Area, perimeter and volume | |
Statistics | |
English | Older Literature |
Greek Myths | |
Information text Hybrid | |
Poems with imagery | |
Poems with figurative language | |
PSHE | Year Specific Changing Me |
Dreams and Goals (Y6) | |
RE | The Exodus |
World Faith Unit | |
The Eucharist | |
Jesus (Easter) | |
Science | Changes of materials |
Living things and their habitats (Y6) | |
Music | Dynamics, pitch and tempo |
Composition to represent the festival of colour | |
French | Verbs in a week |
French and the Eurovision song |
Art | Drawing: Make my voice heard |
Craft and design: Photo opportunity | |
Computing | Data Handling: Mars Rover (Y5) |
Data Handling 1: Big Data 1 (Y6) | |
Physical Education | Year 5/6 OAA |
Year 5/6 Hockey | |
Year 5/6 Rounders | |
Yera5/6 Athletics | |
Design Technology | Cooking and Nutrition: Developing a recipe |
Geography | Can I carry out an independent fieldwork enquiry? |
History | British history 6: What was the impact of World War II on the people of Britain? |
Maths | Shape |
Position and Direction | |
Decimals | |
Negative Numbers | |
Converting units | |
Volume | |
English | Stories with historical settings |
Novel as a theme | |
Film and Playscripts | |
Discussion balanced argument Autobiography | |
Classic Narrative | |
Poems with a structure | |
PSHE | Healthy Me (Y5) |
Relationships (Y5) | |
RE | Daniel |
World Faith Unit | |
The Old Testament women | |
Science | Evolution and inheritance |
Living things and their habitats | |
Music | Songs of WW2 |
Composing and performing a leavers song | |
French | Exploring French speaking world |
Planning a French holiday |
Art | Sculpture and 3D: Making memories |
Computing | Skills showcase: Mars Rover 2 (Y5) |
Skills showcase: inventing a product (Y6) | |
Physical Education | Year 5/6 OAA |
Year 5/6 Tennis | |
Year 5/6 Cricket | |
Year 5/6 Athletics | |
Design Technology | Digital World: Navigating the world |
Geography | Why does population change? |
History | Unheard histories: Who should go on the banknote? |
Maths | Shape |
Position and Direction | |
Consolidation and Problem Solving | |
English | Short stories with Flashbacks |
Novel as a theme | |
Discussion and Debate | |
Recount: autobiography | |
Classic Narrative Poetry | |
Poems on a theme | |
PSHE | Healthy Me (Y6) |
Relationships (Y6) | |
RE | Ascension and Pentecost |
God | |
Science | Light |
Living things and their habitats | |
Music | South and West Africa |
Composing and performing a leavers’ song | |
French | Visiting a town in France |